
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Drinking and Smoking

A lot of people who struggle to stop drinking actually don't realize the influence of cigarettes in this process.
Let's start with my personal experience. I can tell, that if you drop smoking while trying to be sober, it helps a lot, but if you try to drop only one of those bad habits at a time, it will probably not give you the best results.

Alcoholics Who Smoke
Alcoholics Who Smoke
Alcohol and nicotine, when used together, act a lot more powerful, and a person who is a heavy smoker and also uses alcohol on a daily basis can get addicted faster to both of these substances.

Between 80-95 percent of alcoholics smoke cigarettes, and 70 percent of them are heavy smokers.

Scientifical research have not proven the correlation between those habits, but its psychologically easier for a lot of people to drop both of them, starting a new, healthier period in their lives without those substances.

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